Strip Down 2 Love
During the time we spend together here in the Strip Down 2 Love Podcast I will discuss and share elements that have the ability to cultivate love. This Podcast is one starting point to the journey inward. Look at it as a gateway to hope, happiness, joy, money, spiritual expansion and ultimately love. These elements are in you, already. I share a blue print towards self-help and self-love.We explore current events, culture and how spirituality ties into them. You will learn beneficial skills that assist in elevating your health. Amplify your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Learn how to grow exponentially in any area that you choose and why the universe supports your growth. These skills include gently sifting through specific feelings that make you uncomfortable and how to navigate them. Learn how to dissolve barriers and build new healthy barriers that are in alignment with your true self. Each element that we discuss is an important ingredient in creating a fruitful daily journey and in broader perspective a rewarding and prosperous life. Some of the topics may be uncomfortable but the journey back to your heart isn’t always easy.
I also provide empathetic listening sessions find me on Fiverr.com
This is your journey back to your heart.
Strip Down 2 Love
Authenticity = Inner Happiness
This is a continuation of how to dive deeper into yourself when everyone around you wants you to stop being your authentic self. Continue to be your authentic self through compassion. Through the lens of compassion brings understanding and brings you closer to your authentic self.
Continue to pursue you and make yourself happy. Happiness is grown from within but if we are always on pause because others don't like who we are and trying to people please we won't get to inner happiness. Don't let anyone stop you from your journey to happiness. Let haters hate so you can continue on your path.